NCHS Prom 2025 Ticket & Tee
It's time to order your ticket & tee for A Masquerade! This package includes one ticket and a complimentary t-shirt for NCHS Prom on March 29th, 2025. When ordering your ticket & tee, please be sure to include the student's name in the 'Student Name' field provided. Order deadline is March 8, 2025.
*If ordering multiples of the same size, please list the student names seperated by a comma
**If the attendee is NOT a junior or senior at NCHS, please include the name of his or her date in the 'Student Name' field, along with the attendee's name
***Be sure to provide the name of the attendee in the 'Student Name' to guarantee admission
****The art will be printed on a White Gildan short sleeve garment and will be distributed by school personnel the week of prom